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  • Writer's picturethet1dtherapist

Breathing is Fun!!!

Today I want to talk about one of my favorite coping skills, breathing. I remember the first time I learned about this coping skill. I remember being very sarcastic when I was asked the question "do you know how to breathe?" I remember answering very snarky:

" well duh, or else I wouldn't be alive!" At the time, I thought this was a silly question; however, I can honestly say that I didn't know how to properly practice breathing as a coping skill.

The truth is that learning how to practice deep breathing (can also be called 4-4-6 breathing) can calm down the body when you are feeling or about to feel triggered. The practice of 4-4-6 breathing can also "ground" you, meaning keeping you mindful on the present instead of your wandering thoughts.


I recommend sitting on a chair, making sure your feet are flat on the floor (this will keep you grounded). Close your eyes if you choose to.

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1. Inhale. Breathe in slowly through your nose (think “sniff the flowers”) for 4 seconds

2. Hold. Pause and hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds

3. Exhale. Breathe out slowly through your mouth (think “blow out the candles”) for 6 seconds

4. REPEAT! Practice breathing for at least 2 minutes (I tend to practice this for 5-10 minutes) to help trigger the relaxation response.

4-4-6 breathing can also help you sleep if you are having trouble quieting your mind!

It is important to practice 4-4-6 breathing before high anxiety situations so that you can start to train yourself to identify the trigger and start practicing breathing before the trigger heightens you.

So in conclusion…..


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