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Refine Your Appreciation

It's often difficult when family or friends do not try to understand T1D. Often it leaves us feeling upset, frustrated, and isolated. In these moments it is easier to think about those who do not support you that often, that we tend to forget about the ones that have been through the lows, the highs, and everything in between with you cheering you on. It's normal when in a heightened emotional state to tend to focus on the negative. Sometimes we need to BREATHE, and REFOCUS OUR THOUGHTS.

Recently, I have been reminded about how easy it is to focus so much on the ones that do not support or understand living with T1D that I diminished how truly lucky I am to have a few people in my life that try and keep trying to understand and support me. Trust me, this is not an easy process for either you or your loved one, it takes time, experience, and openness to understanding the other person.

Like I said recently I was so frustrated about individuals in my family that did not understand that I was reminded about those who were there for you since day one. The main constant support in my life has always been my mom. I was diagnosed at the age of 5, being that it was 1997 both CGMs and insulin pumps did not exist. My mom had to wake up several times in order to test my blood, until I was old enough to wake up and test my own. I was reminded by my mom that even though she cannot truly understand what it is like to have T1D, she is pretty darn close.

My mom shared a story with me about when I was newly diagnosed, and we were grocery shopping. My mom stated that my blood sugar was extremely low(27) and my mom said she carried me in her arms force feeding me juice and icing tubes- scared, terrified that her child might not be able to swallow the juice fast enough for the glucose to work. It was when my mom said to me recently:" as much as I love the dexcom technology, I have to say that I think that not having that technology to depend on has allowed me understand how difficult having T1D can be some days". I started to think about that and realized that even though it is not the same, my mom did go through mostly every day of these 21 years worried and frustrated about T1D. My mom shared sleepless nights worrying about me (especially on those days that my blood sugar was fluctuating so fast) and many, many hours frustrated that she couldn't "take the discomfort of being low or high away".

This also allowed my mom to share the same joy that I had when I first received my first pump and finally just a year ago when I received my dexcom G6. My mom was so excited for me that I of course allowed her to follow my bg on the share app. And even though my mom knows that I am not that 5-year old girl that did not know fully about T1D, my mom still calls or texts me when she sees that I'm dropping fast or when I'm extremely high. At first it can be very easy to get annoyed with this feeling "do you not know that I know this and can take care of myself.." but I have realized that my mom does not text or call me because she doesn't think I'm taking care of myself, my reaches out because SHE CARES, SHE UNDERSTANDS, SHE KNOWS THE DANGERS AND SHE IS LETTING ME KNOW SHE IS THERE FOR ME, WATCHING OUT FOR ME DURING THIS EXTREMELY TIRING DIFFICULT ROLLERCOASTER OF A LIFE WITH T1D.

For that, I am truly thankful for not only my mom but also for the other parents or individuals that have a loved one that has T1D.

Thank you for being there for us and reminding us that we are not fighting this daily battle alone.

So, in those moments when we feel like no one understands, and you’re spending all your energy feeling frustrated about those who do not understand, try to take a deep breath and appreciate those that have and will always be there for you. Although T1D's may feel alone with all this, loved ones may also be feeling the same way, yet continue to support us with love. No matter if that is a parent, sibling, significant other, family friend, or Diabuddy, take time to share that appreciation with them.

Until next time Stay Strong!

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